Commodity Agreements Slideshare: Understanding the Basics

Commodity agreements are a crucial aspect of international trade. These agreements are binding contracts between countries where they agree to regulate trade of specific commodities such as coffee, cocoa, and oil. The purpose of commodity agreements is to stabilize global market prices, ensuring that suppliers and consumers both benefit from fair prices.

Commodity agreements are not a new concept; they have been in existence since the 1950s when developing countries began to form alliances. In this article, we will be discussing commodity agreements slideshare and how they can help us understand the fundamentals of the commodity market.

What is a commodity agreement slideshare?

A commodity agreement slideshare is a presentation that explains commodity agreements in a simplified manner. These presentations are popularly shared on the Slideshare platform.

Commodity agreement slideshare presentations usually provide a clear definition of commodity agreements and their significance in the global market while also touching on their history, objectives, and benefits.

Understanding the basics of commodity agreements

The primary aim of commodity agreements is to stabilize global market prices by regulating the supply and demand of a commodity. For example, if there is an oversupply of coffee beans in the market, prices are likely to drop, and farmers may experience losses. Commodity agreements help to regulate the supply chain to prevent such scenarios.

Commodity agreements benefit both suppliers and consumers. They ensure that suppliers get fair prices for their commodities, while consumers get consistent and affordable prices.

Commodity agreements also promote sustainable development by implementing measures that protect the environment and prevent exploitation of labor.

The history of commodity agreements

Commodity agreements originate from the 1950s when developing countries began to unite under the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The objective was to reduce the exploitation of developing countries by developed countries. Commodity agreements were designed to ensure that developing countries get fair prices for their commodities.

The first commodity agreement was signed in 1963, regulating the global coffee market. Since then, several other agreements have been established, regulating cocoa, sugar, tea, and banana among other commodities.

Benefits of commodity agreements

Commodity agreements have several benefits. They promote stability in the market, ensuring that both suppliers and consumers get fair prices. They also provide long-term stability, facilitating investment and development.

Commodity agreements also offer opportunities for sustainable development by promoting environmental and social standards. Additionally, commodity agreements provide a platform for developing countries to influence global trade policies.


Commodity agreements are an essential aspect of international trade. They promote stability and fairness in the global market while also providing opportunities for sustainable development. Commodity agreement slideshare presentations help to simplify the complexities of commodity agreements, making it easy for anyone to understand their significance.
